Berea, Brooklyn, Brook Park, Fairview Park, North Olmsted, North Royalton, Rocky River, & Strongsville

UPDATED 4/17/2024



OHSAA Rules apply, except as amended herein


1.01 This league is designed to provide wholesome recreational activity for residents of our communities. In addition, such a program should teach basic skills, most important of which is sportsmanship.

1.02 Objectives of the league include the following: to familiarize its participants with the rules and fundamentals of the game; to assist them in development of fast pitch skills, and most importantly to have fun.

1.03 Each community is responsible for any disciplinary action necessary within their own teams. Any issues arising between cities will be dealt with by other cities in the league not involved in the dispute. All away teams must respect and follow all rules when playing as the visitor. Each community has the authority to remove spectators/coaches/players from visiting teams.


2.01 Jerseys and caps are provided by the Recreation Department and must be worn by each player during the game. Jerseys cannot be altered, and must be tucked in. Pants are required, PLAYERS MAY NOT WEAR SHORTS DURING GAMES.

2.02 Metal spikes are not permitted.

PENALTY: First Infraction in the game: a team warning is issued, all players must change their spikes and all coaches are restricted to the dugout. Additional Infractions in the game: players caught wearing metal spikes are ejected

2.03 Official softball bats must be used. Should have a stamp (NFHS, USA Softball, USSSA, ASA, NSA, etc.)

2.04 The batter, on-deck batter, and all base runners must wear a protective helmet when on the field.

PENALTY: A base runner that deliberately removes his helmet while the ball is in play shall be declared out. The ball would remain alive and in play.

2.05 Bases will be a distance of 60’, the pitching distance is 43’

2.06 A safety base will be used at 1st base whenever possible.

2.07 The official game ball will be a 12” fast pitch softball and will be provided by the home team.

2.08 School and travel players are permitted. These players must be distributed evenly amongst all teams in the city they are participating for.


3.01 MERCY RULE – 20 after 4 innings, 15 after 5 innings, and 10 after 6 innings.

3.02 TIME LIMIT – No new inning after two (2) hours. If the time limit is not reached prior to the end of the 7th inning and the score is tied, an extra inning will be played.

NOTE: Official starting time begins with the first pitch and is kept by the umpire. Once the time limit has been reached, tied official games will remain tied. Official tie games will not be continued at a later date

3.03 The infield fly rule WILL BE in effect.

3.04 Only a Head Coach, 3 assistants, and players in uniform are permitted in the dugout.

3.05 The defensive players presently in the game, the batter, one (1) on-deck batter, and two (2) base coaches the only personnel permitted on the field. Coaches and players must remain in the dugout.

3.06 Two (2) adult coaches may coach the bases. They need not be in uniform.

3.07 A batted ball, which bounces fair passed first or third base, and then out of play, is a ground rule double.

3.08 A fielder’s mask must be worn by the pitcher, first baseman, and third baseman


4.01 A regulation game consists of seven (7) innings unless extended because of tie score, or shortened because of weather, curfew, or time limit.

4.02 The league follows the OHSAA rule on a delay due to lightning, 30 minutes. This will be at the discretion of the umpire and league director on site.

4.03 Teams have a ten (10) minute grace period FROM THE SCHEDULED STARTING TIME to have the legal number of players (minimum of 8) present to start the game.

CALL UP PLAYERS: If a coach knows ahead of time they will not have enough players they can use players from the next age group down. Call up players must be registered in the program and wear their original team uniform, not a jersey for the team they are playing up on. They must play the outfield and bat last in the order. Call up player(s) CAN play even if enough players on the original team roster show up.

4.04 When a game is called, it is regulation and considered complete:

A. If three (4) innings have been completed and 1 team has the lead.

B. If the home team is ahead after three and one half (3 ½) innings have been completed.

NOTE: If the game is called and neither A or B are reached, the game will be rescheduled and started over as a new game.

4.05 Teams will field nine (9) defensive players; 3 players must play on the grass in the outfield (or approximately 20 feet behind the base path) until the ball is hit. If a team has 8 players, they must play 2 players in the outfield.

4.06 Free substitution will be allowed throughout the game. Late arrivals playing time may be reduced equally.

4.07 No position changes are permitted once an inning begins, unless determined by removal of the pitcher or a player that must leave the field due to injury/illness

4.08 As a minimum, a player must play every other inning in the field. No player can sit out a second inning until all players have sat out one inning. Penalty: Forfeit of the game if determined to be intentional. Late arrivals should be added to the bottom of the batting order

4.09 All players bat in a continuous order throughout the game, regardless of who is in the game defensively.

4.10 Should a player leave the game due to injury, illness, or any other legitimate reason, her at bats are bypassed with NO OUTS RECORDED. If a player is disqualified (ejected from the game) an OUT WILL BE RECORDED when his turn to bat comes up.

4.10 Each City Recreation Department reserves the right to place late registrants on teams after the teams are assembled. Late registrants will not be assigned to teams if it is determined that player will negatively affect the balance of the league.

4.11 The home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook of the game. In the event that the home team cannot provide an official scorebook the visiting scorebook will be official. Both teams are encouraged to keep a scorebook and compare several times throughout the game.

4.12 The manager, ten minutes prior to the start of each game, shall present a lineup card with names & numbers in batting order. Players not on site should be left off the lineup card until they arrive.


5.01 Dropped 3rd Strike – The batter is NOT out and must be put out

5.02 Bunting is permitted except with a runner on third base


6.01 A runner may steal any base, but they must wait to leave the base they are on until after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.

6.02 Any base runner leaving a base before the ball has left the pitcher’s hand will result in a warning being given to their team at the time of the infraction. A pitched ball at that time will be declared a dead ball- no pitch. After one team warning, any offending payer shall be declared “OUT”.

6.03 When the ball is in control of an infielder, in the infield, the play is considered dead. Runners may advance to the next base if they were halfway to the base when the play is called dead. This is the judgement of umpire, both when the play is dead and what base the runner gets.

6.04 The OHSAA rule will apply for failure to touch a base, or failure to properly tag up after a caught fly ball.

6.05 (Optional) Speed Up Rule: with two (2) outs and the catcher on base, the manager is encouraged to use a courtesy runner. The courtesy runner would be the person charged with the last out.

6.06 A legal slide must be feet first. A runner will be called out for attempting a head first slide while advancing to a base. A head first slide is legal when attempting to return to a base.


7.01 While on the rubber and before the pitch is delivered, the pitcher must pause with hands together. Any underhand delivery is acceptable (underhand or windmill) and a toe drag is permitted.

7.02 A pitcher shall pitch no more than twelve (12) outs per game

7.03 If a pitcher hits 3 batters in 1 (one) inning she must be removed for that inning. She may return as a pitcher, but not until the next inning.

7.04 Intentional walks are not permitted

7.05 A pitcher removed from the mound may return once to the mound in the same inning, and may return to the mound throughout the game; as long as there is no violation of any other pitcher or field