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Background Check Policy

BACKGROUND SCREEN PROVIDER:  NCSI Background Screening Solutions

SCREENING VALID FOR 2 YEARS:  All background screenings will expire two (2) years from the date the screen was completed. 

APPLICABLE TO:  All members of the Berea Baseball Association Board of Directors; BBA umpires 18 years of age and older; all coaches (coaches must be 18 years of age or older); and any other volunteer that is 18 years of age and older under the auspices of the BBA.


  1. APPLICANTS:  Any adult, 18 years of age and older, who applies to be a volunteer for the Berea Baseball Association will submit to a background check through NCSI Background Screening Solutions (a subsidiary of SportsEngine).  Applicants will be provided a registration link by the BBA Compliance Committee to ensure that our selected volunteers are compliant with any applicable legal mandates and to submit to a background check. 

Once the adult volunteer registration is completed and submitted, NCSI Background Screening Solutions will inform the BBA Compliance Committee if the applicant’s background check status is listed as “passed,” “failed,” or “flagged.” If an adult volunteer candidate’s background check is “flagged,” the BBA Compliance Committee will convene to determine if the applicant has been disqualified or accepted as an adult volunteer for our organization in its sole discretion. An applicant’s “flagged” status will be weighed against criminal offenses listed in the “DISQUALIFIERS” section.


All applicants will be notified by the BBA Compliance Committee if he or she has been accepted or disqualified for the volunteer position. If the applicant has been disqualified, the applicant can grieve the decision by notifying the BBA Compliance Committee Director.  The applicant can provide an explanation and/or supporting documentation as to why he or she thinks the decision should be reconsidered. The committee will reconvene and determine if the applicant’s request is merited.  The applicant will be notified of the committee’s decision. The decision will then be considered final without additional grievances or appeals available


  1. CRITERIA:  An applicant for a volunteer position within the Berea Baseball Association must disclose to the BBA Compliance Committee if he or she was convicted of, awaiting final disposition of, or has been subjected to any registration or sanction relating to the disqualifying criminal offenses listed in the “DISQUALIFIERS” section below.  This policy DOES NOT apply to prior criminal charges that resulted in acquittal, dismissal, or in an entry of nolle prosequi. At any time during the application process or after the applicant has successfully passed a background check, he or she SHALL notify the BBA Compliance Committee if he or she is arrested or subjected to the adjudication process for any of the crimes meeting the criteria listed in the “DISQUALIFIERS” section.  Failure to notify the BBA Compliance Committee will result in the volunteer’s immediate removal from their position. 



Criminal offenses as defined in the Ohio Revised Code 2901.02

(A) Offenses include aggravated murder, murder, felonies of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth degree, misdemeanors of the first, second, third, and fourth degree, minor misdemeanors, and offenses not specifically classified.

(B) Aggravated murder when the indictment or the count in the indictment charging aggravated murder contains one or more specifications of aggravating circumstances listed in division (A) of section 2929.04 of Revised Code, and any other offense for which death may be imposed as a penalty, is a capital offense.

(C) Aggravated murder and murder are felonies.

(D) Regardless of the penalty that may be imposed, any offense specifically classified as a felony is a felony, and any offense specifically classified as a misdemeanor is a misdemeanor.

(E) Any offense not specifically classified is a felony if imprisonment for more than one year may be imposed as a penalty.

(F) Any offense not specifically classified is a misdemeanor if imprisonment for not more than one year may be imposed as a penalty.

(G) Any offense not specifically classified is a minor misdemeanor if the only penalty that may be imposed is one of the following:

(1) For an offense committed prior to January 1, 2004, a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100);

(2) For an offense committed on or after January 1, 2004, a fine not exceeding one hundred fifty dollars ($150), community service under division (D) of section 2929.27 of the Revised Code, or a financial sanction other than a fine under section 2929.28 of the Revised Code.

Amended by 129th General Assembly File No.25, HB 5, §1, eff. 9/23/2011.

Effective Date: 01-01-2004

**All out-of-state, federal, and crimes committed outside of the United States will be weighed against the classification standards set forth in the Ohio Revised Code, regardless of the offense, the Berea Baseball Association Board of Directors reserves the right to determine if any offense disqualifies the applicant. The decision will be considered final.**



  1. As used in this section, “Sexual nature” includes any element of a crime defined as “sexual contact,” “sexual conduct,” and “sexual activity” in Ohio Revised Code 2907.01; any other crimes that do not meet these criteria that are listed in section 2907 Sex Crimes, of the Ohio Revised Code, are applicable to this section
  2. As used in this section, “Element of Violence” includes any element of a crime defined in the Ohio Revised Code, section 2901.01A(9) a-d (General Provisions Definitions).


  1. Any felony or lesser offense that includes an element of sexual nature;
  2. Any felony or lesser offense that includes an element of violence, with the exception of a lesser offense of assault and menacing within the past ten (10) years;
  3. Any non-violent felony within the past five (5) years;
  4. Any lesser crime involving controlled substances, paraphernalia and alcohol related offenses, within the past five (5) years;
  5. Any criminal offense which causes harm, neglect, or abuse to a child regardless of the time since the last offense;
  6. Any criminal offense involving cruelty to animals within the past ten (10) years;

(E) Any person registered as a sex offender


Disqualifying Offenses Quick Reference List (Not Inclusive):

Aggravated Murder, Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter, Felonious Assault, Aggravated Assault, Permitting Child Abuse, Aggravated Menacing, Menacing by Stalking, Kidnapping, Abduction, Extortion, Trafficking in Persons, Rape, Sexual Battery, Gross Sexual Imposition, Sexual Imposition, Aggravated Arson, Arson, Terrorism, Aggravated Robbery, Robbery, Aggravated Burglary, Burglary, Inciting Violence, Aggravated Riot, Riot, Inducing Panic, Domestic Violence, Intimidation, Intimidation of Attorney-victim or witness, Escape, Improperly Discharging a Firearm at or into a Habitation-etc, Patient Abuse or Neglect, Endangering Children, Importuning, Voyeurism, Public Indecency, Compelling Prostitution, Promoting Prostitution, Enticement or Solicitation to Patronize a Prostitute, Soliciting, Loitering to Engage in Solicitation, Prostitution, Pandering Obscenity, Pandering Obscenity, Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor or Impaired Person, Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor or Impaired Person, Illegal Use of a Minor or Impaired Person in Nudity-Oriented Material or Performance, Deception to Obtain Matter Harmful to Juveniles